Artist Spotlight: Lisa Congdon Grid Drawing Activity
Pride month is a wonderful time to make sure that you are recognizing and supporting achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community, including artists! Lisa Congdon is a queer illustrator who is best known for her colorful + geometric illustrations and hand lettering. The bright colors of her work coupled with positive messages about being yourself make her the perfect artist to spotlight for Pride. So grab some art supplies and try one of these grid drawings with us!
- Drawing Paper Pad
- Gel Crayons
- Pencil
- Scissors
1. Draw a grid -- use a pencil to lightly draw a grid pattern on the paper. It doesn’t need to be perfect. A combo of graphics with more organic shapes makes these drawings!
2. Fill in with designs -- pick a few shapes and designs and fill in the grid. Rainbows show up repeatedly in Lisa Congdon’s work and are perfect for Pride too.
3. Trim paper -- cut off any excess paper outside of your grid.