Diy Spider Web Halloween Costume

DIY Spider Web Halloween Costume

My favorite part of Halloween as a parent has been making costumes for my kids! It reminds me so much of my own childhood - my mom always made our costumes and it made the holiday so special. I love this DIY spider web costume because it is so simple to make and you don’t even need a sewing machine! With a few simple materials, a hot glue gun and the Kid Made Modern Halloween Craft Kit you can put this look together in about an hour. Read below for the full instructions to make your own!

 DIY Spider Web Halloween Costume - kid in costume

Materials Needed:

-A large piece of white felt (you can purchase this by the yard at fabric stores!)


-Kid Made Modern Halloween Craft Kit or Arts and Crafts Supply Library

-Fuzzy sticks

-Hot glue gun (always ask an adult to help with a hot glue gun!)

-Black construction paper

Halloween Craft Kit

How to Make the DIY Spider Web Halloween Costume

Step 1

Cut a large circle of white felt. The diameter across the circle should be about the distance from one of your wrists to the other with your arms stretched out! Fold the circle in half. Cut a scalloped edge around the edges of the circle. 

Clothespin Bat Craft - Craft Create Cook

Step 2

Cut a hole in the center of the folded side of your circle. This just needs to be large enough for your head to go through.

Clothespin Bat Craft

Step 3

Open up your felt circle. On one half, lay out pieces of fuzzy sticks to look like a spider web. I started by laying long fuzzy sticks vertically from the head opening to the ends of the scalloped edges.

Then, I cut pieces of fuzzy sticks to fit in between these, making the rings on the spider web. Once you have laid out all of your fuzzy sticks, use hot glue to glue them in place.

Spinning Spider Webs

Step 4

Open your Halloween Craft Kit and find the two spider shapes. Decorate them however you like! We kept ours simple by just adding eyes. Once your spiders are decorated and dry, use hot glue to attach them to the front of your web! Your costume is now ready to wear!

Spinning Spider Webs With Black Spider

If you don't have a Halloween Craft Kit, follow the directions below to make a spider with supplies you have on hand! 

BONUS: Make a spider headband!

To make a simple spider headband, start by cutting strips of black construction paper and taping them together so that they fit around your head.

Next, cut a circle of black foam! Glue 8 pieces of black fuzzy sticks to the back of the foam circle. Bend these to look like legs!

Add some eyes, and glue the foam spider to the front of your headband! This makes a fun extra accessory to add to your costume!

Paper Spider
Papaer Spider On The Line




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1 comment

That is cutest costume!

Rosa Cromwell

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