The new My First Stamps Collection is wonderful for so many types of toddler play! We used the stamps with our favorite homemade playdough. Playdough and stamps are both wonderful ways to help toddlers strengthen their all-important fine motor skills! Read below to learn how to make your own playdough to use with your stamps at home.

Materials and Ingredients
My First Stamp Collection
2 cups flour
½ cup salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tsp cream of tartar
2 cups water
Food coloring (optional)

How To:
To make your homemade playdough you will need: a large, deep pan (mine is similar to a wok in shape), a sturdy spoon or spatula, a whisk, all of the ingredients listed above, and parchment paper.
Step 1: Combine all ingredients in your pan and whisk to combine. Be sure to break up as many flour lumps as you can while whisking. When I am adding food coloring, I often add the coloring to the water and then pour it into my dough mixture. This helps to spread your color out! Add as much color as you like, but the color will darken some as the dough cooks.

Step 2: Cook on medium heat on your stove top. Stir very frequently (almost constantly). As you stir, scrape across the bottom of your pan with your spoon. The dough will slowly start to form a ball in the center of your pan as you scrape and stir. Continue cooking until the dough ball no longer appears wet. This usually takes 6-8 minutes, but could vary depending on your stove and pan.

Step 3: Lay out a piece of parchment paper and dump the cooked dough ball onto it. Allow the dough to cool in a ball for about 5 minutes. Once it is cool enough to touch, begin to knead the dough with your hands. Knead for about 5 minutes to help smooth out any lumps and soften your dough.

Step 4: Flatten the dough into a pancake (2-3” thick) and cover with another piece of parchment paper. Allow the dough to cool completely. Once totally cooled you can play with it! When you are not playing with your dough, keep it in an air-tight container or zipper bag. Properly stored dough can be used for around 6 months!

My toddler LOVED using the stamps from the My First Stamp Collection with her playdough. I love that these stamps were designed with toddlers in mind - they were so easy for her to work with! In addition to the stamps, I provided her with some rolling pins, beads from KMM kits, safety scissors and a few small cookie cutters. She played with this set-up for days on end!