STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

Have you ever tried to catch a leprechaun? In addition to being a silly St. Paddy’s Day tradition, it also happens to be a really great STEAM project for kids. Creative and artistic engineering at its best! Pair Kid Made Modern’s STEAM Paint Exploration Kit with a few extra household supplies (don’t forget the leprechaun bait!) and you can design and build your own trap. 


  • STEAM Paint Exploration Kit 
  • Recycled container -- we’re re-purposing our DIY Valentine mailbox, but you can use a shoebox, jar, or any other container with a lid.
  • Scissors 
  • Leprechaun treats 
  • Hot glue gun (remember to exercise precaution and supervise kids)
STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity


Step 1 - Design Your Trap

A good basic design starts with a container with a collapsible lid. Create a hinged top by gluing a box top, a piece of cardboard, or even a piece of paper from the kit to one edge of the top of your container. Prop the top up by using a clothespin from the kit or any small stick. Then tie twine to the lid or the item you’re using to prop it open. You should be able to pull the twine to collapse the top.

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity


Step 2 - Build a Ladder

You’ll also need to build a ladder for the leprechaun to climb up into the trap. And you’ll need some way to add treats to your trap that will draw the leprechaun in. Here we used the rainbow washi tape to make a “net” and placed the felt circles on top to hold the treats. 

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

Experiment with the hinge and ladder and see what you can come up with!  

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity
STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity
STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

Step 3 - Assemble!

Once you’ve got a plan, use the hot glue gun to build your trap. Make any necessary adjustments as you go along -- all part of the scientific process!

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

Step 4 - Decorate

When you’ve your trap all set, it’s time to add the ART in STEAM. Use the kit’s art tools to decorate and make your trap inviting. It’s always a good idea to add a little walkway, directing the leprechaun to the treats!

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity

Step 5 - Place Your Treat!

Add your treat and set it up for St. Paddy’s Day! 

STEAM Leprechaun Trap Activity


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