Teaching Kids How to Reuse Paper
Just curious if you are like me, and have a large stack of your kiddos’ artwork piled up on a desk somewhere in your home??? I absolutely love when my kiddos are creating masterpieces. But I just want them to be more cognizant of how they are using their paper.
Kid Made Modern is all about being environmentally friendly and teaching kiddos how to be resourceful. So it seems fitting to teach young children how to reuse their paper!
There are many ways to reuse paper that kids have created masterpieces on.

One way is to use the back of the paper. Teach kiddos to flip the paper over to try something new on the other side.
Another way to reuse paper is to use a new medium over what is already on the paper. For example, your child drew with crayons on the paper. Once they are done, they can add watercolor over the crayon drawing to create a new masterpiece!

You can also cut up small pieces of the paper and tape or glue that to a new creation. The cut up pieces of paper are perfect to add to any of the arts and crafts kits, giving that kit a personal touch!

Giant hole punches are both fun and a different way to reuse paper. We have glued the giant hole punched reused paper onto birthday cards or canvas.
By teaching kids how to reuse paper, not only are you teaching them to be environmentally friendly, you are teaching resourcefulness and creativity!!

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Jessica is the founder of The Organized Mama; a professional organizing service and blog that inspires organizing a handmade home! With a background in teaching, Jessica loves showing families how to live an organized life! She is also a wife to an amazing husband, mother to two kiddos & a fur-baby, crafter, exclamation-mark enthusiast, and lover of creativity. You can find her on all social media channels @organizedmamas and at www.theorganizedmama.com