Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

Welcome the Spring and the Celebration of Easter with a fun watercolor painting project. Using the image provided, create a wildflower easter bunny painting. 

In this tutorial I will walk you through this cute painting, using the Kid Made Modern Wondrous Watercolor set. It only requires the kit and a couple supplies that you probably have laying around your house.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny  

Materials Needed: 


Step 1

Gather your Supplies

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY


Step 2

First you will need to trace out the design from the Pink Puddle Studio Easter print out image. Grab a sheet of the 8x10” watercolor paper included in the set, a pencil and artists tape. If you don’t have artist’s tape you can use painters tape but don’t push it down too hard on the paper, otherwise when you lift it off it will lift the paper with it. Place the watercolor paper over the print out and center it to fit on the paper. Then use two small pieces of tape on both sides to secure the papers together.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 3

Next, you want to trace the image. I find that in the day it is simple to use a window. All you have to do is tape it to a window and use your pencil to trace the image. If you have a light box you can use that instead.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY  

Step 4

Open up your watercolor palette from the Kid Made Modern Wondrous Watercolor Set to start painting. Start with the larger flowers. Put some yellow on your brush and paint your first flower.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 5

Then while the flower is still wet add some purple to the center of the flower.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

Step 6

Continue painting the larger flowers using red and purple and then add yellow for the centers.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 7 and Step 8

Once those flowers are dry, paint the body of the bunny using light blue and turquoise green.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 9

Fill your brush with dark blue and line the bunny for definition.

 Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

Step 10

Once the body of the bunny is dry, paint the tulips. The large one is painted yellow and the smaller ones are red and orange.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 11

Paint the roses pink and then add dark purple along the lines for shadow.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 12

Next, paint in the leaves using a variety of greens and orange from the palette.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 13

Paint the berries dark blue. 

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 14

Now that the bunny is done, finish off the painting by filling in “Happy Easter” at the bottom. Start by painting “Happy” with light blue and painting each remaining  letter a different color in the blue green color family.

Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY 

Step 15

Paint “Easter” using colors from the pink and red color family.

 Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

You have completed the project! You can frame it or give it as a gift! Happy Easter!

 Watercolor Painting Wildflower Easter Bunny DIY

About the Author:  

Pink Puddle Studio  

Rachel is the artist and founder of Pink Puddle Studio LLC. Her mural work has been televised on CNBC’s Cash Pad. Her work has been featured in HGTV Magazine, Phoenix New Times, Phoenix Home & Garden, Arizona Highways Magazine and College Times.

Connect with Rachel on instagram @pinkpuddlestudio and www.pinkpuddlestudio.com

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