Write Your Own Letter To The New Administration

Write Your Own Letter to the New Administration

We're so excited to celebrate this Inauguration Day! But we know it can be hard to get younger kids in on the celebration. Helping them decorate and write a letter to the incoming President and Vice President is a great way to get them involved and have some creative fun! Just print out our letter templates, decorate with your art supplies, add your own text, and send off! 


  • Our printable letters -- Mr. President and Madam Vice President
  • Art supplies -- we’re using watercolors and crayons but feel free to break out whatever supplies spark your creativity 
  • Paper or cardstock for printing
Write Your Own Letter To The New Administration


Step 1

Print out the letter templates - If you’re going to be using paint, we suggest printing onto heavier cardstock. Download the template for the President HERE and Vice President HERE.

Directions To Write Your Own Letter To The New Administration

Step 2

Decorate! - Use whatever art supplies you like to fill in and decorate your letter.

Use Whatever Art Supplies You Like To Fill In And Decorate Your Letter

Step 3

Write your letter - Use your letter as an opportunity to congratulate and welcome the new President and Vice President, share some way they have impacted you, or communicate action items you’d like them to take up. Use your voice however you’d like! 

Step 4

Send your letter! Don’t forget this part! You can address your letters as written below. And don’t forget your return address … maybe they’ll write back!

For the President: 

The White House

Office of the President 

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 

Washington, DC  20500


For the Vice President: 

The White House

Office of the Vice President 

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 

Washington, DC  20500

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1 comment

Thank You for this amazing resource! I am so excited to share with my class and my own children!

Marisela Mascorro

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