You've Been Booed
Whether you're headed out trick-or-treating this year or not, "Booing" friends and family is a super fun Halloween activity. You drop off treats for friends and family and then have them pay it forward by doing the same. It's a great way to connect with others and foster community and kids love it! We're making it easy for you by providing some free printables you can decorate and use for your Boo. Just follow the directions below and have fun!

- "You've Been Booed" printables -- download them here
- paper bag
- treats or crafts

- Decorate -- use any art and craft supplies you have to decorate the printables and the paper bag. Attach the "You've Been Booed!" decoration to the paper bag.

- Stuff bag with treats -- cut out the “We’ve Been Booed!” sign and put it into the bag. Add in your sweets. If you’d like to include any non-sugary items, our Halloween Craft Kits are great to share.

- Boo! -- drop off the Boo bags at your friends and neighbors. Some people like to do this anonymously and others like to let their buddies know who Booed them! Encourage your friends to keep the fun going by including printables for them to make their own Boo packages or direct them to the Kid Made Modern blog to download the printables.