Craft Class FAQs

  • When will I receive my Kid Made Modern Craft Class shipment? 
    Our craft class boxes will start shipping a few weeks before your class begins. You will receive tracking information once your class supplies have shipped. 

  • How big are the classes?
    Class sizes will be no more than 15 students, so we can give everyone the attention they might need to successfully complete the crafts. 

  • Who will be teaching the classes?
    Kid Made Modern Craft Class will be taught by different art teachers from around the country. Check out each Craft Class details for more information about your teacher.

  • When will I be receiving instructions on how to sign on to the class?
    Instructions on how to sign in will be sent out the Friday before your Craft Class sessions. Classes will be taught via Zoom, so please be sure to install the latest version of Zoom on your computer before the first day of class. 

  • What if I order another product along with a Craft Class?
    If you registered for Craft Class and purchased another product at the same time, your product and class kit will ship separately.   

  • Do I need to purchase any other supplies to be prepared for the class sessions?
    Nope! Kid Made Modern will supply everything needed for the craft projects during your three classes. 

  • What days are the classes?
    Classes are once a week over a three week period. The specific time/date depends on which class you registered for.  

  • My child is under 6 years old, can they participate in class?
    The classes are designed to be completely independently by a child ages 6-10 years old. However, if you have a crafty child that's younger, you can sign up. Just be sure an adult is available with them to assist with any steps they can't complete on their own. 
  •  Do you have something I can print out, or email when gifting a Craft Class? Yes, we have created  a printable Craft Class certificate to send via email or wrap up special for that crafty kiddo. Download here